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Übersetzerin / Dolmetscherin                   in BremenRussisch / Englisch / Deutsch


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Services & Prices



Exact price for a page depends on a number of factors, such as specialisation of the original text, scope of the order as well as urgency of the order. 


The price for revision and editing is charged per page.  The basis for price calculation is the volume of the original text.


Editing of graphics or fulfillment of the particularly complex layout/formatting work are charged additionally.


 Minimum amount for an order is 20,00 €.  Proposals and cost estimates are free of charge.


Urgent orders are calculated with a surcharge of 30%-50%.


Discounts can be granted in case of large scope orders (more than 10 pages) or in case of regular cooperation.











Translation of a text

from 40 € up per standard page

(12 print 1,5 spacing)

Geman↔Russian, Russian↔English, German↔English

Translation and certification of the documents


  from 25 € up

Geman↔Russian, Russian↔English, German↔English

Revision and editing

from 15 € up per standard page

Correction of the spelling, grammar, syntax;

improvement of layout/formatting; stylistic editing

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